Today we live in a world in which there is considerable freedom of worship and spiritual practices. This is something that we certainly have to be grateful for because for centuries religious and spiritual beliefs have been the motive for murders and genocides around the world. Today the motto is, that each one believes and prays what they want ... which is a great achievement for humanity. It is interesting to see that the great religions, every day are weaker since, after their great misdeeds in the name of God, they have been seen the duster, which has made many people in the Western world set their sights

towards religious or spiritual beliefs of the East or America. On the other hand, science has been gaining ground on religion and beliefs, being a topic of debate today. In a previous post, I spoke precisely about this aspect and how intellectual development helps us to discern between what is true and what is speculation or a lie, including spiritual and religious ones.
From my point of view, this whole new "new age" trend also comes with a dark side, like almost everything in life. This freedom of belief comes with the danger of falling into the networks of people or groups of people who, with economic or power interests, lead us to beliefs that are false or that are pure speculation. Human beings, due to a matter of intellectual maturity, have a certain dependence on beliefs. Even today, when we have the highest literacy numbers in history, and the intellectual maturation on the part of society has led us to an unprecedented scientific and technological development, there is a large part of the population that is highly dependent on beliefs. As I said earlier, the major religions have failed and are in decline. It is a matter of time before they disappear, and it is the logical path of the expansion of consciousness. The intellect is maturing and beliefs are a brake on intellectual expansion. The problem is that although these religions have failed, the human mind after thousands of years of religious dependence, seeks to fill that gap left by these religions, and thus new religions and beliefs proliferate that can lead to the same effect as the previous ones. That is why the only way to avoid falling into these deadly traps that can lead us down a path of total confusion and speculation, is to cultivate our intellect to be able to discern well and not fill ourselves with beliefs that will limit us.
And how to cultivate our intellect? Reading, researching, watching documentaries ... Of course, always paying attention to what the sources are, and always questioning everything with nature as a reference, the only one that is shown with total transparency all the time and without any interest.
Science is the best tool I know, therefore looking for proven scientific content approved by the scientific community is the best way to know what things are proven and what things are hypotheses or just beliefs, even if they disguise themselves as scientists. It is important to emphasize at this point that science is a tool for discernment and that it has a methodology that allows us to determine hypotheses and if this is proven, determine truths. Another different thing is what later the human being does with the scientific findings. These can have demonic uses. Science also has a limit, and it is parameterized by our intellectual capacity. In other words, our intellect and science today is more expanded than 200 years ago and is reflected in the technological development of today. It is possible to say that the maturation of our intellect is making science advance and therefore we will understand more and more things that we still do not understand and that are the subject of speculation. Not because science has reached its limit does it mean that we have to explain it with fantastic stories or generate beliefs. It is better to say "I don't know" and continue investigating than to unleash your imagination and create an unreal story. Sometimes our own ego does not allow us to accept the limitation of our intellect and simply surrender to the mysteries that the Universe and creation hide.
At this point, there are people who ask me if I believe in God. And the answer is that I do not believe in God, but I think that it is logical that there is divine intelligence, a generating source of everything that exists, which our ancestors defined as God.
I think that this source or generating force includes matter, energy, time, space, light, darkness, life, death and all the laws that make these "energies" manifest. So I wonder, what universal force is capable of containing everything and nothing at the same time. The only answer I find is love because it is in love where everything is born and everything dies, where everything is included without exception and the only thing that can make you leave behind any belief or transcend reason. Science is the best tool I know, therefore looking for proven scientific content approved by the scientific community is the best way to know what things are proven and what things are hypotheses or just beliefs, even if they disguise themselves as scientists. It is important to emphasize at this point that science is a tool for discernment and that it has a methodology that allows us to determine hypotheses and if this is proven, determine truths. Another different thing is what later the human being does with the scientific findings. These can have demonic uses. Science also has a limit, and it is parameterized by our intellectual capacity. In other words, our intellect and science today is more expanded than 200 years ago and is reflected in the technological development of today. It is possible to say that the maturation of our intellect is making science advance and therefore we will understand more and more things that we still do not understand and that are the subject of speculation. Not because science has reached its limit does it mean that we have to explain it with fantastic stories or generate beliefs. It is better to say "I don't know" and continue investigating than to unleash your imagination and create an unreal story. Sometimes our own ego does not allow us to accept the limitation of our intellect and simply surrender to the mysteries that the Universe and creation hide.
At this point, there are people who ask me if I believe in God. And the answer is that I do not believe in God, but I think that it is logical that there is divine intelligence, a generating source of everything that exists, which our ancestors defined as God.
I think that this source or generating force includes matter, energy, time, space, light, darkness, life, death and all the laws that make these "energies" manifest. So I wonder, what universal force is capable of containing everything and nothing at the same time. The only answer I find is love because it is in love where everything is born and everything dies, where everything is included without exception and the only thing that can make you leave behind any belief or transcend reason.
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