The 4 Elements Path
A door to liberation
The Path of the 4 Elements is a Retreat designed to guide &
to go with you on a journey of
self-liberation, for a healthier, more authentic and more conscious life.
Based on a very ancient structure this 4 day retreat its adapted to our modern society, you will embark on a journey of deep self-exploration
where you will work directly with the 4 elements.

Transform your life
through the connection
with the Ancestral Wisdom
of the 4 elements
You will have the opportunity to stop and enjoy the privilege of creating space for yourself.
You will experience and learn from the qualities of Earth, Water, Fire and Air, which throughout the ages have been the guides and masters in the evolution of human consciousness.
You will dissolve limiting beliefs and transcend internal obstacles.
You will generate positive changes in your life and create space for your inner healing.

The 4 elements are the basis of life on our planet and it represents the way our ancestors made science

The Root of your life
Physical Health
Financial Health
Overcome Fear

Your emotional Life
Raise awareness of
your emotions
Heath Sexuality
Overcome Guilty

Your Inner Power
Reconnect with
your Power
Think, transform & grow
Control your ego

Your relations
Connect with your heart
Heal your relations
At The 4 Elements Path Retreat
You will learn to...
Create strong roots which will allow you to grow personally based on nutrition, body care, financial education, and overcome your fears...

Become emotionally aware & responsable,
set self-boundaries, deal with sexual energy,
enjoy pleasure without guilt.

Discover and hold your own power, stop craving for recognition, focus your thinking, achieve your goals,
let go of everything that stop your growth, control your ego.

Open your heart and heal your more significant relationships. Enjoy life in a loving way.
"The Path of the 4 elements it´s a journey that will open great doors to liberation inside of each human.
The ancient knowledge of the elements has the capacity to transform our lives in deep ways if we allow it. Nature is the biggest Master and this journey is adapted for the modern society, so they can integrate it into their daily lives."

Fer is a loving, strong and empathic human being. For the last decade, Fer has travelled all around the world absorbing and learning from different cultures and masters.
For the 7 last years, he has been living in Peru where he had learnt and facilitated venues about specific natural holistic healing techniques, visionary plants, permaculture, and ancient Andean cosmovision to integrate all and be able to offer a simple but efficient method.
He´s a naturologist, retreat facilitator, writer and musician that helps people to transform their lives in a healthier, more loving and conscious way. Read more here